To share my love of home.
And all that home encompasses.
Lauren Brock Home is a space where we share what is it to make a home. Whether it's great recipes we share, tricks for keeping your home organized, or tips we've learned along the way that bring your home to life, we all have a different version of what "home"" means to us.
I've learned that there are so many things outside of my control in this world, but one thing I can control is the little world inside of my house. How I operate my home dictates whether there is peace, comfort, and tranquility, or whether it's chaos.
I've come to realize that a home doesn't have to be perfect to feel full of life and love.
Lauren Brock Home aims to show you how small changes can have a huge impact.
As someone who is in the business of making houses a home for others and who loves to build on her own, I hope the tidbits I share with you leaving a lasting impact.
Mark 4:39 - Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, " Peace, Be Still" and the wind ceased and there was a great calm


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27
Lauren Brock
Hi, I'm Lauren. I am a lover of all things home - including real estate, great recipes, decorating and projects, and more. I am also a wife, mama, sister, and a friend.
My family resides in Charleston, SC, but our roots are deep in East Tennessee where my husband and I grew up. We absolutely love living in the low country and couldn't imagine a better place to raise our son.
When I am not working, I am spending quality time with my family, lounging at the beach, shopping my favorite antique stores, and I am always cooking something.
Home to me means the little world in which I can control everything within it. It's the space that holds my favorite things and the space in which I, as a wife and mama, have the total freedom to make my home what it is for my family. I strive to create a peaceful and gracious environment so that my family can relax together when we are here and my son can freely learn new skills every day.
I am in the business of making houses a home. It is through your family dynamic and the treasures you collect along the way that bring a space to life. Until then, it's just an address. I am here to help you find the house you can turn into your home.
Whole milk almond latte with cinnamon
Banner Elk, NC
Mark 4:39 - Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, " Peace, Be Still" and the wind ceased and there was a great calm

I've been helping clients buy, sell, and invest in real estate since 2018. I operate in Charleston, SC as well as in East Tennessee - selling the mountains and the beach. Let's figure out which lifestyle is right for you.
If you've been thinking about making a move, I would love to talk with you. Whether your looking for life in the low country or home in the Tennessee hills, I've got you covered. From one home maker to another, your next home is waiting for you. Let's find it together.