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4 Things You Can Do This Weekend to Freshen Your Home Up for Spring

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Welcome friends! Wow, I am so excited to be sharing this first post with you. Spring is such an amazing time to refresh. I don't know about you, but when the sun starts shining a little brighter and I hear the birds in the mornings, I just get this amazing feeling like I'm ready to take on the world. I am a warm season gal through and through so when Spring hits, I get so motivated to get things done! For me, Spring is a time when I start crawling out of my winter slum. The days starts moving faster, and there's this energy in the air where I feel like I'm in need of a reset. I am sure I'm not the only one! Whether it's setting up some work goals for this quarter, wanting to start some home renovations, or just looking to brighten up your home after a long, cold winter, what better time than now to offer up a few ways you can totally transform your home this weekend, without spending an arm and a leg for a reno. This is 4 ways you can freshen your home up for Spring!


1. Flowers and Plants

Fresh plants bring your space to life, literally! And I know some of you may be thinking that it's too much work to keep a plant alive, but I'm telling you - there are some plants that take more energy to kill than to keep alive. Here's a list of great starter indoor plants.

  • Golden Pothos - one of the easiest plants to keep alive. They do well in low or bright light, and you only need to water them every 1-2 weeks, depending. I have several in my home that I've had for years. Pothos are also natural air purifiers - removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide while also helping to remove odor. They are also extremely easy to propagate. If you need to trim your pothos down, try cutting a steam with at least 3 to 4 leaves on it, leaving about an extra inch or two if you can, sit your stem in a cup of water, and place in a bright area. In a month, you'll have a fresh seedling ready for it's new home. So easy.

  • Snake Plants (Mother-In-Laws Tongue) - I'm not kidding when I say it would take great effort to off this plant. They thrive in low light, and don't require much water or attention. They honestly prefer to be left alone in a corner where they can just ride the planet. This is also a plant I've had for years, and I've honestly never even repotted it. He's been content in any corner I've put him in, and never complains! Snake plants are also said to purify the air, and they release more oxygen at night than most houseplants, also making them a great plant for your bedroom. 10/10.

  • Fresh Herbs - Lavender and Rosemary do well inside, especially if given a lot of direct, bright light! These are wonderful plants to keep as they definitely freshen up a room with their scent, and you can use them for your cooking, drinks, etc. Lavender is also wonderful to keep in your bedroom at night, to help you relax and fall asleep.

  • Birds of Paradise - beautiful plants, with giant leaves. These plants are wonderful to take up space in a large room. You only need to water once a week, just keeping the soil moist, and they do well in bright, indirect light!

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig - Out of all of these on the list, this beautiful plant is the most finicky. They love to stay hydrated, but they are also prone to root rot. If well taken care of, they are a stunning plant to keep in your home, and like a Birds of Paradise, they can get pretty big so they are great for filling up a room!

  • Orchids - Orchids love bright, indirect light, and they only need to be watered every couple of weeks. They don't like too much water, but you don't want their soil to completely dry out inbetween watering. Orchids are said to remove mold spores from the air, making them a great plant to keep in your bathroom! When well taken care of, their flowers will last for a couple of months at a time.

  • Fresh flowers on the table - now these are temporary, but they are a beautiful addition to your home. Instead of paying for a pricey arrangement from a florist, try making your own. It doesn't take much work, and it's a lot more cost friendly this way. I hear Trader Joes carries a good selection of flowers and stems!

My advice, do some research to find out which kind of plants would work for you, then toss out your faux plants from HomeGoods, and head to your local greenhouse!

2. Spring Cleaning Baby

Oh yeah. We are talking a deep clean, it's going to get far worse before it gets better kind of clean out. This is an obvious Spring move, but wow does it make your home feel brand new. It's amazing the things you accumulate. I feel like I have a mile long list of things I need for my home, yet I also have so much stuff I don't need. So since we are talking about the amazing refresh Spring offers us, you have to know that a good, solid clean out will not only make your home feel organized, but it will make you feel like you've got it together! This is usually a weekend kind of job. Get your favorite playlist going, and start going through your closets, drawers, buffets, etc. You'll be amazed at what all you're ready to get rid of! Want to make it a party? Have a yard sale with a friend or your family! Just want it gone? Donate it. There's no better time than Spring to organize your home!

It will also be so much easier to keep your house organized, and actually clean when there isn't so much stuff to move around! I know for me, it is such a weight off of my shoulders when my home is clean. It's much easier to relax, and creates a better work environment for me as well.

Tip: While we're at it, let's talk about how to not accumulate more junk over the next year. In the past, I have personally been guilty of acquiring a ton of random things like table decor just because I think it's too cute when I see it at the store, and I just know I will find a good place for it at home. In reality, it usually just piled up. I would move things around constantly, feeling like I was refreshing a room, but really, I always had multiple things leftover that I couldn't find a place for. To fix this problem, start by planning how you want your space to look. Once you have a vision of the room, focus in on what you're lacking, and only buy for that space what you actually need.

This will eliminate having extra stuff just lying around, waiting to possibly get used in the future, and your bank account will thank me for this tip. I've wasted a ton of money in the past on things I didn't need. Be specific. Even if it takes a while, you're home will start to look more cohesive and expensive if you don't go crazy with random pieces in each room.

3. Fresh linens and pillows

Picture this: You've just taken the longest bath, spent a little extra time on your nightly skincare routine, put on your favorite pajama set, and now you're climbing into a bed with fresh linens. There is nothing quite like it. I could do an entire post on this topic, just for the wellness, and I very well may.

Anyways, while you should definitely be cleaning your sheets often, we are talking about more than just your bed linens! Of course this is an important part of keeping your home feeling fresh (and yourself), but here are some other areas you shouldn't ignore this Spring!

Let's check on your living areas. How long have you had those pillow covers, and throws? And do you have pets that just take over any nice blankets you get? I do! Let's go through these items to assess. If you've had some of these things for a while, or if they are in darker tones for fall / winter, it's probably time to switch them out! Spring is bright, so you'll want your living areas to reflect that.

Honestly, I've been loving the look of having a couple of throws on my sofa with no pillows. I have an oversized, extra deep sofa with large back cushions. Until a couple months ago I kept pillows on it, but then I saw someone post about removing the pillows to give a clean look. I gave it try, and loved it! However, if you love having pillows on your couch, try swapping your current ones out for some nice linen covers in neutral tones. Perfect for Spring.

Another idea - If you have upholstered dining chairs, give them a good cleaning to keep everything feeling fresh.

Pro tip: If you're happy with your current pillows and throws, but still want to freshen up? Try mixing 1 part Tyler Glamorous Wash - a wonderful, fine scented detergent, and 3 parts water in a mist spray bottle. Spray everything with it. Seriously. Anything with fabric on it. This makes your home smell heavenly!

And when it's time to wash your linens, wash with this detergent. It's long lasting scent is sure to upgrade your space!

4. Tune up the landscape!

If you didn't do the best at maintaining your landscaping over the winter, you aren't alone! Spring is the best time to get outside. Spend the afternoon putting flowers on the porch, and pulling weeds in the landscaping. It feels so great to be outdoors, and once your done, it gives your exterior a total refresh. Also, you can't go wrong with a good pressure wash to make your home look brand new!

Tip: Thinking of starting a garden this year? I've wanted to start one for years, and finally did it last week! We have an old raised flower bed sitting off of our back porch that was perfect for an herb garden! About a month ago, I cleared out the bed and started prepping the soil for the garden. Then last weekend, I went to Lowe's to pick out my seedlings, and spent the afternoon planting all my herb babies. I kept it pretty simple. We've got Thyme (front right), Cilantro (2nd row, front right), Basil (3rd row, right), Rosemary (back right), Red leaf Romaine (bottom left), Parsley (back left), and Lavender (middle, beside Basil). I also kept a Rose bush (inbetween Parsley and Rosemary), and another plant that already started flowering a couple of weeks ago, so I couldn't bring myself to kill it. Overall, I am super excited about my first garden. I can't wait to have fresh herbs all year long!

I hope you found some of these ideas helpful for Spring. I'm still checking some of these off of my list, but as I go I feel my home coming to life again. None of these tips are anything that new or major, but they really do make a huge difference. At least for me they do. Thank you so much for checking in. I hope to talk with you soon!

Have any of your own tips for Spring? Comment below. I'd love to hear from you!


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